
Gynecomastia Treatment Is on the Rise: What You Should Know

A condition called gynecomastia popped up on news feeds recently when a jury ordered the company Johnson & Johnson to pay $8 billion in punitive damages to a man who developed enlarged breasts because of a medication made by the company. Because of the interest generated b...

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Your Options for Overcoming Dad Bod

With summer around the corner, many male patients are asking about ways to work on their “dad bods,” a combination of concerns related to aging, stubborn fat, and excess breast tissue in men—a condition called gynecomastia. At our Portland plastic surgery pra...

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What Makes A Male Chest Masculine, Anyway?

The popularity of male breast reduction, called gynecomastia, at our Portland plastic surgery practice increased sharply during the past few years. And our practice isn't alone. Statistics show male breast reduction procedures rose 30% during the past five years as men c...

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